Futurists Farmers
The Federation of Southern Cooperatives is hosting an Heirs Property Boot Camp at its annual Forward 2025, a three-day, all-state, immersive in-person experience designed to support Southern heirs property landowners move forward with clearing title over the course of 12 months. Participants will receive outreach, education and technical assistance to help them secure ownership of their land.
Heirs’ property is family land that has been passed down to descendants without a will or deed to prove ownership. Without proof of ownership, it may become difficult for heirs to obtain federal benefits for farms and could force partition sales by third parties. Heirs’ property issues have long been a barrier for many producers and landowners to access USDA programs and services, and this relending program provides access to capital to help heirs find a resolution.
Since 2022, in partnership with FSA, the Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund (FSC/LAF) supports heirs’ by providing outreach and technical assistance on the Heirs Property Relending Program (“HPRP”). Additionally, USDA encourages more intermediary lenders, including cooperatives, credit unions and nonprofit organizations to apply. Currently, more than $100 million of HPRP funding is available for these competitive loans.